New Westpac Logon Userscript
I have updated my westpac logon greasemonkey userscript. It allows you to use normal password entry on the westpac (Australian bank) website.
The script can be downloaded at
Westpac have changed their logon page in the last few days. This time, the script is actually simpler since the westpac people have created a key padDef variable that holds a 'keys' array and a 'malgm' string.
I don't know why they put customers through so much pain. When they first introduced this, I sent them an email with my original script and suggested that they may want to make it available to fix the problems with their webpage. Noone sent me a response. I'll try again this time.
The script can be downloaded at
Westpac have changed their logon page in the last few days. This time, the script is actually simpler since the westpac people have created a key padDef variable that holds a 'keys' array and a 'malgm' string.
I don't know why they put customers through so much pain. When they first introduced this, I sent them an email with my original script and suggested that they may want to make it available to fix the problems with their webpage. Noone sent me a response. I'll try again this time.