What I Learnt Last Week

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Westpac Logon Userscript

I have updated my westpac logon greasemonkey userscript. It allows you to use normal password entry on the westpac (Australian bank) website. https://online.westpac.com.au/esis/Login/SrvPage

The script can be downloaded at http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/42301

Westpac have changed their logon page in the last few days. This time, the script is actually simpler since the westpac people have created a key padDef variable that holds a 'keys' array and a 'malgm' string.

I don't know why they put customers through so much pain. When they first introduced this, I sent them an email with my original script and suggested that they may want to make it available to fix the problems with their webpage. Noone sent me a response. I'll try again this time.