What I Learnt Last Week

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

How big is that image?

This morning, I saw an email on the Australia Java Users Group mailing list asking if anyone knew of any tools to determine the size of a GIF/JPG image.

This sparked my curiosity a little. It turns out that it doesn't take too much to get this info directly from the file.

I'm not sure who actually devised these file formats, but I can say that it was much easier to understand (with the specs that I found) the GIF format, than it was the JPG format. I do know that the EG in JPEG stands for Expert Group. It is no suprise to me that the spec is difficult to understand. I often find that groups do a worse job of developing/documenting technology than a single company or person.

I wonder if the www would have ever got off the ground if Tim Berners-Lee had to work with a committee of others.